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Jack Cummins is one of Scotland’s leading licensing lawyers. Every month he writes on licensing law and answers readers’ questions in SLTN.

Do you have a legal question for Jack Cummins?
Email sltn@peeblesmedia.com

Footy booze ban is going nowhere

A recent licence ruling isn’t likely to bring alcohol back to grounds Has Scottish football started a journey towards the return of alcohol to football...

Overprovision is still a minefield

Recent Aldi decision in Dundee serves as a warning to other boards Two years ago, Dundee licensing board carried out an overprovision consultation exercise and...

Family rules are a step backwards

The 2005 Act meant to encourage child-friendly venues. It didn’t “COMPLEX, uncertain, and at times almost unintelligible” – that was the Nicholson Committee’s unflattering view...

Stars align to stoke liquor rationing fire

Misunderstanding at the heart of alcohol ‘sales quota’ stories IT was a recipe for a perfect storm. Take a call for a more effective approach...

It’s time to bring the laws together

The Scottish Government should hold fire on further licensing legislation until it has tied together the current raft of regulations. Licensing lawyers have argued for...

Limit is driving the trade to distraction

Some seem to abandon all reason on the subject of drink-driving Drinking and driving: undoubtedly a potential menace to society, but also a subject that...

Responsibility levy is a ‘nonsense’ tax

Long-mooted power could be the last straw for some operators The word “alcohol” appeared only once in the SNP’s pre-election manifesto (in the context of...

Is there even more legislation ahead?

The Scottish Government’s alcohol strategy is due to be refreshed later this year and, with a new legislative programme due to be set out...

An eye for detail aids compliance

Regular checks offer pitfall protection, lawyers say No publican wants to get on the wrong side of their local licensing board, but the sheer volume...

Provisions are a blast from the past

Legal changes are a throwback to the approach of yesteryear The Air Weapons and Licensing (Scotland) Bill received Royal Assent on August 4, 2015 and...


Jack Cummins
Jack Cummins
Andrew Dowson
Neil Morrison
Neil Morrison
Luke Richardson