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Jack Cummins is one of Scotland’s leading licensing lawyers. Every month he writes on licensing law and answers readers’ questions in SLTN.

Do you have a legal question for Jack Cummins?
Email sltn@peeblesmedia.com

Food licence cooks up extra expense

ACCORDING to the Scottish Grocers’ Federation, converting to the new licensing system has cost its members £22.4 million – and for some supermarkets, convenience...

Buck stops with boss under Act

But vicarious responsibility provision does offer due diligence defence MAJOR changes to the Licensing (Scotland) Act 2005 were introduced in the run-up to Christmas. These have...

A fact-based take on alcohol, please

Will health licensing role bring a more balanced approach to objections? WHEN Scotland’s largest health board launches a campaign against the availability of alcohol –...

No clear end to forecourt debate

Recent judgement on garage licensing was welcome but it may not be the last word IT’S all about just a handful of words A few expressions...

A song that’s tough to follow

There’s precious little good news around for the trade, but the reopening of music venues in level one and two areas has allowed a further easing of the so-called ‘music ban’ in hospitality premises permitted to serve alcohol indoors.

End of the road for review site case

It was a battle of “David against Goliath” proportions when the owners of a nine-bedroom guest house in Kinlochleven took on the might of...

Legal landslide is burying the trade

It’s become part of the landscape of running a licensed premises in Scotland: when it comes to licensing law, the only constant is change. The...

Coronavirus: navigating uncharted waters

During the Second World War, when the German Luftwaffe was doing its very best to reduce industrial Britain to rubble, pubs remained open and beer wasn’t rationed. Now, we face an unseen enemy – and, as in all wars, there are heroes and villains

Brightcrew ruling continues to impact

Judgement that boards must only consider alcohol in decisions has ramifications BACK in May 2010 a ruling from Glasgow Sheriff Court looked set to cause...

Age policy brings fresh challenges

Implementing scheme on a Saturday will put staff under pressure WHILE a war of words raged round the minimum pricing proposal in the Alcohol Bill,...


Jack Cummins
LEGAL by Jack Cummins
FINANCIAL Wylie & Bisset
Neil Morrison
Luke Richardson
William Woodburn