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Minimum price battle enters next stage

By Gillian McKenzie MINIMUM pricing is back at the top of the agenda this week. An appeal from the Scotch Whisky Association (SWA) over the Scottish...

Let’s hope consumers vote for the trade

IT’S finally here. Two years after the Edinburgh Agreement was signed, paving the way for a referendum on Scottish independence, today is polling day.

Operators BID for a bright future

By Gillian McKenzie IT’S been at the heart of entertainment in Scotland’s biggest city for well over a century, attracting the big names of the...

Time to give trade support

Comment By Gillian McKenzie TWELVE months ago in this column I wrote that as years go 2015 must be among the most challenging for the...

Tourism opportunities are there for the taking

OPPORTUNITIES for pubs, clubs, hotels and restaurants to benefit from the major events coming to Scotland next year were highlighted again last week by...

Will Bill call time on licensing reform?

By Gillian McKenzie IT was billed as a piece of legislation designed to ‘tidy up’ bits of the 2005 Licensing Act which weren’t quite working...

You turn if you want to

SO the UK government has U-turned on minimum pricing, shelving proposals to introduce a 45p a unit price in England and Wales. Crime prevention minister...

Music to the trade’s ears but more must be done

NEWS that the Scottish Government plans to implement the ‘agent of change’ principle in the planning system has rightly been welcomed by operators

Rates too big an issue to ignore

Comment by Gillian McKenzie AS trade issues go, business rates is right up there. From the way in which they are calculated – with pubs’ rateable...
Gillian McKenzie

Time rapidly running out for renewals

At the risk of sounding like a broken record, if your personal licence is due to expire on August 31, 2019, you absolutely must lodge a renewal application with your board in the next two weeks .


Jack Cummins
LEGAL by Jack Cummins
FINANCIAL Wylie & Bisset
Neil Morrison
Luke Richardson
William Woodburn