Chef’s special: Eddie Atkinson

Eddie Atkinson, Head chef, RiverView Restaurant, Atholl Arms Hotel, Dunkeld

Eddie Atkinson, Head chef, RiverView Restaurant, Atholl Arms Hotel, Dunkeld

How long have you been in the catering business?
I started work in Claridges at age 16 so I have 27 years in the business.

What’s your career highlight so far?
My first head chef job at Time Square, Glasgow.

How would you describe your food?
Classic with a twist on modern. There are seasonal changes in the menu all year round.

What’s the price of a typical three course meal?
ÂŁ25 for dinner.

Why should someone visit your restaurant?
Wonderful food and a stunning location.

Describe your staff.
They’re hard working and knowledgeable. It’s a team work environment. We are all very happy working together and we all like exploring new dishes.

What’s your favourite dish to cook at home?
Sunday roast.

Is there any food you dislike?
Tripe and calamari.

What’s your favourite wine?
I don’t drink wine.

What is your favourite Scottish restaurant?
There is a small Italian in Stockbridge called Italian Kitchen. It’s family run and serves great local produce.

What’s your favourite Scottish ingredient?
Scotch beef and all the vegetables when they come into season.

What makes a good chef?
Dedication. You should love what you do and be able to keep calm at all times.

What’s a tip every chef should know?
Always rest meat after cooking.

How do you relax outside of work?
Relaxing with family and enjoying my salt water fish tank.

Who do you admire in the industry and why?
Gordon Ramsay. His passion for the industry inspires me and he’s got the Glasgow banter going on.

Who would you invite for your ideal meal and where would you go?
Claudia Schiffer, along with my family of course, and we would all go to The Dome in Edinburgh.

What makes you laugh in the kitchen?
Colton and Angel, my work mates.