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Turn clock back on hours policy

IT’S not shaping up to be a particularly happy Christmas for south west operators Sinead Farrell and Derek Hart. The couple are fighting for business...

Stage set for the battle of the Bests

IT might have seemed unlikely a decade ago, when premium lager was all the rage, but the keg ale market is suddenly alive with...

Credit where credit’s due

I DON’T like to deal in crude stereotypes, but I genuinely believe we Scots are not given to shouting about our own successes. It’s...

A new age of licensing

THE Holyrood red tape machine has been busy producing even more regulations for the licensed trade to deal with. Not content with the maelstrom of...

Let’s all drink to the weekend millionaire

MOST press articles about pubs today paint a picture of an industry in decline. Without picking over the bones one more time, it's easy...

Major operator woes show trade’s trouble

The problems which beset Castle and Festival Inns illustrate the dark days facing the trade. It is to be hoped that the outlets in question can still have a bright future. It’s been quite a month in the Scottish trade – and not all for the best reasons. The economic downturn claimed two of the country’s best known and long-standing independent, multiple operators – proof that the recession continues to exert a major influence over the on-trade.

Deals make wine world go round

Wave of consolidation across wine supply sector may be seen as a positive thing for the Scottish on-trade. Nothing stands still in the Scottish drinks industry. It’s what makes it such a compelling sector to cover. Take the wave of consolidation across the wine supply scene in the past few years. As well as the spree of takeovers undertaken by Wine Importers.

New season, new dilemma

Pubs are holding out for a cheaper way to show football, but a quick resolution to the long-running legal broadcast battle seems unlikely THE prospect...

Reasons to be cheerful, part 3

IT’S always a pleasure to report on new ventures and success stories in the hospitality trade – and in this issue we have some...

Confusion reigns over under-21 ban

THE question seems simple enough: do licensing boards have the power to ban people under 21 buying alcohol in off-sales outlets? As is so often...


Jack Cummins
LEGAL by Jack Cummins
FINANCIAL Wylie & Bisset
Neil Morrison
Luke Richardson
William Woodburn