Edinburgh Festival’s ‘Thinking Drinkers’ set out to save the pub

Two smartly dressed young men sit at a bar
‘Discerning drinking duo’ Ben McFarland and Tom Sandham

Throwing their support behind the beleaguered hospitality sector, comedy duo the Thinking Drinkers are launching a new Edinburgh Festival show celebrating the pleasures of the pub – with discounted tickets available to hospitality workers.

‘Thinking Drinkers: The Booze-Ical’ will have its first Edinburgh Festival Fringe run from 31stJuly to 25th August at the Underbelly, with plans for a UK tour later in the year.

The show will see ‘discerning drinking duo’ Ben McFarland and Tom Sandham express their love for the local whilst serving up, and tasting, a quintet of quality drinks brands – Satellite Super Session IPA from Beavertown Brewery; BenRiach 10 year-old Single Malt Whisky; Thatchers Gold Cider; The Lost Explorer Mezcal; and Dutch Barn Orchard Vodka, the Yorkshire brand co-owned by comedian Ricky Gervais.

The award-winning entertainers will also be urging their audience to sign a petition demanding that all work lunches in pubs and restaurants become 100% tax-deductable, so long as there’s a decent drink on the receipt.

Tom said: “Ben and I first met when we worked on a pub trade newspaper and, frankly, most of our best – and only –  work was done over a pint at lunchtime.

“It’s heartbreaking that today’s generation of workers seem to rarely even get out of the office, let alone enjoy a cheeky craft ale and a cheese toastie courtesy of HMRC to set them up for the afternoon.

“The Booze-ical was inspired by the daily battle pubs are currently facing to survive and thrive. Hit by a combination of COVID, rising energy costs, the cost-of-living crisis and crippling business rates, we thought what they clearly need is a musical – written and performed by two people who can’t sing.”

Ben added: “The number of British boozers is shrinking like a crisp packet in a roaring pub fire and, according to some rough sums we scribbled down on a beer mat, in six years they will be outnumbered by soulless coffee chains and Greggs. It’s time to rise up against the pastry-archy!

“Our last show put us in The Guinness Book of World Records for masterminding the World’s Biggest Pub Quiz, so it’s clear that our global influence is now huge,” he added. “We have high hopes that this show will tip the balance for pubs. Bringing back lunch at the local is just the start – we want to lead the nation back to the boozer!”

Tom concluded: “Thinking Drinkers: The Booze-ical has all the ingredients for the greatest lock-in of your lives: intoxicating anthems, a whole load of funny, liquor-laced history, a profound paean to the pub and, let’s not forget, five first-class free drinks.

“We’re also giving something back to busy hospitality workers, helping them to unwind by offering discounted tickets at a show that constantly reminds them of their working environment.”

For the Hospitality Discount quote DRINKS20 when booking at underbellyedinburgh.co.uk, Monday to Thursday.