Artistic endeavour on Arran

Arran Brewery has pledged to support British writers and artists with the launch of a new sponsorship scheme.
The initiative is open to artists, musicians and writers across the UK and sees the brewery providing marketing support for the individual, a ‘creative break’ in either the Isle of Arran Brewery Guesthouse or Loch Earn Brewery Hotel, selling the person’s work in the brewery shop and purchasing their work to help get them started.

Arran artist pic

Arran is also planning to introduce a beer in the near future, the proceeds from which will be put towards the sponsorship scheme.
The inaugural sponsored writer is Caroline Wedd, who has just published her first novel, The Walnut Tree; Arran Brewery has purchased 100 copies of the book for the brewery shop.
Arran Brewery managing director, Gerald Michaluk, said Wedd is “a gifted writer and her work has all the hallmarks of a best seller”.
“It has been a great joy to assist, in this small way, her journey to becoming a best selling author,” he said.
Writers, artists or composers wishing to apply for sponsorship are asked to contact the brewery in writing in the first instance, marking their envelope ‘Artist, Writer or Composer’.