An online intro to the world of beer

Educational initiative The Beer Academy has launched an online training course designed to introduce bar staff to the basics of beer.

The Beer Steward course and qualification consists of eight e-learning modules which staff can work through at their own pace.

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The modules provide a detailed guide to beer – from the drink’s origins to the brewing process to different beer styles, and include guidance on serving cask, keg and bottled beers.

Each module ends with a set of multiple choice questions and candidates receive a printable certificate once they have passed all eight.

Operators are charged ÂŁ35 for the course, which enables up to ten staff members to undergo the training.

“It was clear from our conversations with operators that they needed a way to get staff up to speed quickly, and e-learning is the solution,” said Beer Academy director of training Alex Barlow.

“While anyone is welcome to take the Beer Steward qualification, it has been developed particularly with bar staff in mind, enabling operators to equip staff with beer knowledge and confidence quickly and conveniently.”