New advert for Heineken promotes responsible drinking

THE various elements that contribute to a successful night out – including drinking in moderation – are the focus of a new TV ad for Heineken.
The new ad, titled Sunrise, launched at the beginning of the month and forms part of Heineken’s global ‘Dance More, Drink Slow’ campaign, which aims to position responsible drinking as ‘aspirational’ behaviour.
Featuring dance music by DJ Audrey Napoleon (who also appears in the ad), the advert highlights elements Heineken considers key to a good night out, including music, dancing and friends – as well as stressing the importance of responsible drinking and of staying hydrated.
Being mindful about what you drink can only be a good thing.
In the advert the main character, who is on a night out, refuses the offer of a fresh bottle of Heineken from the bar in favour of a bottle of water.
At the end of the night the character is still full of energy and joins Napoleon on a walk as they watch the sun rise over London.
The ad ends with the strapline “Enjoy the Sunrise – dance more and drink slow”.
David Lette, premium brands director for Heineken, said the brand’s presence in so many markets around the world means it can “speak with authority and confidence” on the subject of responsible drinking.
“This is, of course, a commercial for Heineken, but what we are also saying is that whilst there is a right time to enjoy a cold beer; good times come from life around you and being there for the special moments,” said Lette.
“Being mindful about what and when you drink can only be a good thing.”