THE Scottish Tourism Alliance (STA) has pressed for further assurances for the hospitality industry amid the coronavirus crisis from the Scottish Government during a two-hour conference call with Scottish tourism secretary Fergus Ewing.
The call yesterday (Thursday March 26) was chaired by STA chief executive Marc Crothall and included a number of tourism business owners. It was set up in order to present specific industry examples of how the COVID-19 crisis has impacted on business.
During the conversation Ewing promised to pass industry concerns along to the Scottish and UK governments and to “put politics aside” as the administrations work together on the crisis.
He also acknowledged that it is “very important” that both governments get the support packages for businesses right and said there were hopes that in the coming weeks there will be greater precision in the modelling used in relation to the virus stats, which will offer a clearer idea of when the country might start to recover.
In a statement to the industry Ewing said: “Thank you to all of you for what you’re doing and the support you’re giving your staff.  On the other side you will need them. We need to look beyond the battle.
“We will overcome this and the Scottish Government will support you.”