Coronavirus: Glasgow licensing board guidance

GLASGOW licences due to expire on or before March 31, 2020 will automatically be extended by a period of three months as the board moves to minimise disruption amid the coronavirus outbreak.

The board has published new guidance stating that applications for renewal of a licence will not be accepted until June 2020 at the earliest, adding that it will “continue to review this position and may apply a further extension to licences if necessary”.

It has also advised personal licence holders (PLHs) who are unable to undertake refresher training due to COVID-19 will be given an automatic three-month extension to the timescales within which they are required to complete refresher training and submit the training certificate to the board.

The Glasgow board also said that, following the UK Government’s relaxation of planning rules relating to food takeaway and delivery services, it is “supportive” of licensed premises operators who wish to provide a food takeaway and delivery service.

View the Glasgow licensing board guidance here: