New method for old serve


What’s being described as the world’s first Old Fashioned vending machine, designed to deliver serves of the classic whisky cocktail quickly, has been created by Whyte & Mackay.

The wooden machine, which will be dispensing drinks at The Dockyard Social in Glasgow next week (May 24), allows users to build their own perfect Old Fashioned with Whyte & Mackay’s blended Scotch The Woodsman, maple syrup, bitters, ice and an orange peel garnish by turning a wheel and pulling levers.

Rod Gillies, head of innovation at Whyte & Mackay, said: “Everyone loves a good Old Fashioned, and our maple syrup version is a cracker. But what would make it even better is being able to get a hold of one wherever you are, on demand.

“So we’re stripping away the rules and complexity which sometimes surrounds Scotch and making it quick and simple to get a brilliant drink.”