Different approaches to missed training deadline

CONSEQUENCES for licensees who failed to complete their personal licence refresher training by the August 31 deadline could vary significantly depending on which part of the country they are in.
Anyone who received their personal licence on or before September 1, 2009 was required to complete refresher training by August 31. They must notify their licensing board of the completed training by November 30.
However, boards contacted by SLTN revealed different approaches to those who have missed the training deadline, with some saying they will start revoking licences after December 1 and others indicating they might show some flexibility.
A spokesman for Glasgow licensing board said: “If training certificates are submitted before the deadline for submission on December 1 then we will look at these on a case by case basis.”
But a spokeswoman for Highland licensing board stated it is a “requirement” of the Licensing (Scotland) Act that a board revoke a personal licence if the training deadline was not met.
“The board has no discretion in this matter,” she added.
Scottish Borders licensing board also indicated its intention to revoke the licences of those who have missed the August 31 training deadline from December 1.
“The law is clear – boards must revoke licences in these cases,” said a spokesman.
West Lothian licensing board said it is considering a report from its clerk stating that the board “must revoke the licences of all those who have not complied with the legislation by the application date”.
The news comes after it emerged boards have different requirements in terms of how they should be notified of completed training.