Trade backs Clutha fundraising gig

DRINKS firms have rallied to support a major fundraising gig for the victims of the Clutha bar helicopter crash.

Organised by Scott Gemmell of LA Group, with Edinburgh operators Mike Aikman of Bramble and Stuart McCluskey of The Bon Vivant and Dewar’s global brand ambassador Andy Gemmell, the event at the Barras Art & Design Centre in Glasgow this Sunday (January 19) will feature performances from some of the Clutha’s regular bands, as well as a charity auction and raffle.
Diageo, Bacardi, First Drinks, Remy Cointreau, Morrison Bowmore, Hallgarten Druitt, West Brewery, Filshill and Speciality Brands have pledged their support for the gig, which will raise money for the Glasgow City Council Clutha Appeal Fund.
Scott Gemmell said he is confident the gig will raise a “substantial” amount for the fund.
“We are very conscious that we have a duty of care to the Clutha itself, and to its staff and the people who loved it, to make sure this night surpasses all expectations and shows the wider world how the Scottish drinks industry is capable of looking after its own in troubled times,” he said.
Tickets costing ÂŁ10 can be booked at: