Chance to boost safety training

Course aims to help bar staff identify and handle range of incidents

• The training aims to help bar staff identify and deal with any incidents which may occur.
• The training aims to help bar staff identify and deal with any incidents which may occur.

A NEW safety training scheme for licensees, bar staff and door stewards has been launched in Glasgow.

Called ‘Keeping People Safe In and Around Licensed Premises’, the initiative is a joint venture between the Scottish Academy of Business Resilience & Excellence (SABRE) in partnership with Tennent’s Training Academy and Best Bar None Scotland.
The course aims to highlight the role bar and door staff can play in the prevention of violence and the promotion of responsible behaviour.
Training is designed to help bar staff and door stewards recognise and handle any incidents which might occur, such as vulnerability, harassment, abuse or violence.
With the support of the Scottish Violence Reduction Unit and Victim Support Scotland, Best Bar None will be offering licensees and other staff working in Best Bar None-accredited venues throughout Scotland a free place on the one-day training course at Tennent’s Training Academy in Glasgow; it will ultimately be rolled out across the licensed trade.
Grant Manders, chief superintendent at Police Scotland, said the course is aimed at creating an “increasingly positive, supportive culture within the on-trade, promoting licensed premises as safe environments”.
“Keeping People Safe is the core priority for Police Scotland and we are proud to offer our full backing to this unique training package which brings together staff working in varying roles across the Scottish licensed trade, to demonstrate the real difference they can make in preventing vulnerable people becoming the victims of crime,” he said.