Chef’s Special: Jamie Connelly

Jamie Connelly, Executive head chef, Louisiana’s, Glasgow


Located on the upper floor of Glasgow’s Riverboat Casino, Louisiana’s has recently re-launched with a new menu featuring New Orleans cuisine with a Scottish twist.

How long have you been in the catering business?
I have been in the industry for 17 years now.

What’s your career highlight so far?
Taking Louisiana’s to where it is right now.

How would you describe your food?
We use the best of Scottish local produce and add a Louisianan twist.

What’s the price of a typical three course meal?
A la carte £27, table d’hote £15.95.

Why should someone visit your restaurant?
To experience the quality, freshness and flavour of our food.

Describe your staff
Hard working, focused, dedicated team players who love a laugh but understand when it’s time to get their heads down and work.

What’s your favourite dish to cook at home?
I love to get all the family round and cook a nice traditional roast beef dinner – with a few twists of course!

Is there any food you dislike?
I’m not a fan of hummus. I’m too much of a carnivore.

What’s your favourite wine?
I don’t drink wine very often but I would go for a nice simple Spanish Rioja, especially on a cold winter’s night if I was eating a rich loin of venison or fillet steak.

What is your favourite Scottish restaurant?
Grill on the Corner in Glasgow.

What’s your favourite Scottish ingredient?
Haggis. I think it’s a really versatile ingredient and with some creativity, you can do lots with it.

What makes a good chef?
You have to be hard working and prepared to put in the hours. You need a good eye for detail but the most important quality is to have real passion for food.

What’s a tip every chef should know?
Stay calm – no matter what is happening in the kitchen, no matter how busy it is, and no matter what has gone on in the restaurant.

Who do you admire in the industry and why?
Gordon Ramsay. He’s a real rag to riches success story and he got there through plain and simple hard work.

How do you relax outside of work?
I like to go to the gym for a swim and a sauna to unwind.

Who would you invite for your ideal meal and where would you go?
Angelina Jolie and I would take her to Claridge’s in London.