Ruta Maya – sustainably natural rum from the rainforest of Belize

Brand new to the UK market this month is the Ruta Maya range of rums, all the way from Belize.

Described as an ‘exceptional, sustainably crafted’ rum, there are four infused varieties in the range – Rum Blanco, Rum Ouro, Coffee and Cocolime – each made with raw materials sourced from across Central America.

The brand takes its name from the Ruta Maya river challenge, a 290km canoe battle with the currents of the Belize River through the middle of the rainforest, from the country’s mountainous centre all the way to the Caribbean Sea.

With those rainforest roots to the fore, Ruta Maya dedicates 10% of its profits to safeguarding Belize’s rivers, waterways, and biodiversity.

The Ruta Maya canoe race runs from Belize’s mountains to its Caribbean coast (Pic: Belize Tourist Board)

“Ruta Maya rums are about the whole of Belize,” said the Perdomo family, owners of the Travellers Distillery in Belize City. “Every raw material comes from a farm or a factory and we know the name of every person involved in the process. We establish true and durable relationships with local farmers and craftmen from all over the country.

“As rum producers, we live in a country covered with rainforests, rivers, mangroves and barrier reefs. This is why we cannot ignore the need to preserve our natural environment.”

The Rum Blanco (ABV 38%) is described as a ‘sure-fire crowd-pleaser’, made from high-test molasses sourced from the Fairtrade Certified Belize Sugar Industries.

The Rum Ouro (ABV 38%) is said to offer hints of butterscotch and charcoal with a citrus fruit finish, and is created from a blend of rums aged 3 to 5 years in former Kentucky bourbon casks.

Ruta Maya’s Coffee Rum (ABV 36%) is described as being 100% natural with no added essence, using only roasted high altitude coffee beans sourced from Guatemala, which are said to bring ‘chocolate, buttery-flavoured notes’.

The brand’s Cocolime Rum (36% ABV) uses locally sourced, artisanal-pressed coconut and a lime infusion produced by the Belize Citrus factory, and is again 100% natural with no added essence.

Boutique Brands is the official distributor of Ruta Maya in the UK and stockists include Master of Malt, Amazon UK and Whiskey Exchange.