Pusser’s Rum marks Black Tot Day with a Painkiller cocktail

Pusser’s Rum is claimed to be the only rum to use authentic specifications purchased directly from the Royal Navy.

It has been 54 years since the British Royal Navy stopped handing out a regular ration of rum to the sailors on its warships, in what was undoubtedly something of a blow to the rum manufacturers of that era.

But the makers of Pusser’s Rum reckon that the ill wind of naval sobriety can still blow the sector some good, if non-sailors can be persuaded that the anniversary of that loss – 31st July – is an occasion worth marking by enjoying a rum ration of their own.

To mark this year’s ‘Black Tot Day’, Pusser’s are promoting the Painkiller cocktail; a blend of Pusser’s Rum, pineapple juice, orange juice, and cream of coconut, served on ice with an orange slice and a cherry, then topped off with freshly grated nutmeg.

Bars across the UK can mark Black Tot Day with deals on Pusser’s and the Pusser’s Painkiller from Tuesday to Friday.

Despite rum’s origins as a drink only fit for seafaring sailors with very limited other options, market research suggests that a younger audience is now swaying towards modern incarnations of the spirit.

A recent survey from drinks distributor, Paragon Brands found that almost four in ten (38%) young adults are drinking rum at least once a week, with 52% of Gen Z reportedly relishing the drink due to its taste.

Pusser’s Rum in particular is said to offer ‘strong notes of pungent molasses, treacle, toffee, honey, and vanilla with oak, cinnamon, and nutmeg’. It is also claimed to be the only rum on offer to use authentic specifications that were purchased directly from the Royal Navy with Admiralty blessing.

Distilling in a double wooden pot, a production method used since 1732, is said to give Pusser’s its enhanced aroma and flavour  and allows it to be labelled as an authentic navy rum.

Managing director at Paragon, Chris Jones, said: “Rum unites people, from sailors swapping tales around the ‘scuttlebutt’ to younger generations sharing stories over their favourite Caribbean cocktail.

“We’ll be raising our glasses on Wednesday to honour centuries of naval tradition with Pusser’s Rum, a drink which embodies the spirit of camaraderie and adventure, and we hope patrons across the country join us in savouring the world-renowned Painkiller as we toast to authenticity and the legacy of the Royal Navy.”