Mapping a course for northern rum

DUNNET Bay Distillery in Thurso ‑ one of Scotland’s most northerly distillers – has moved into the rum market for the first time ahead of the summer season. 

A new dedicated rum brand, Mapmaker’s, launches with the introduction of Coastal Spiced Rum. 

A blend of rums distilled in Scotland and the Caribbean, the liquid is then spiced with botanicals including lemon verbena, scurvy grass, sea kelp and Scottish sea salt to create the finished spiced rum. 

The brand takes its name from cartographer Timothy Pont, a local mapmaker who was appointed minister of Dunnet Parish in the early 1600s. A commemorative plaque in Pont’s honour remains in the Dunnet Parish Church to this day – which is just next door to Dunnet Bay Distillery. 

“As with our Rock Rose Gin we wanted to create a spirit that captures and celebrates the heritage of Caithness and its local botanicals,” said Dunnet Bay co-founder Martin Murray. “Our Mapmaker’s Rum is a tribute to Timothy Pont and after four years of planning we are excited to release our Coastal Spiced Rum.

“We fermented and distilled our own house rum, using our botanical and distilling expertise and knowledge, this is then blended with a specifically selected Caribbean rum – we can only create a small amount of our house rum at any one time.”