Super service over every level of your business

Craig Stevenson of Stannah in Scotland looks at how lifts can help your business run smoothly


If you provide a service to the public you want to please them on every level.  Our lift expertise can assist your kitchen with front of house catering, provide behind the scenes stock movement, aid essential house-keeping and enable movement of all your customers around your building.

Kitchen to front of house catering

Our Microlift kitchen lifts or dumbwaiters are an essential part of every professional kitchen. These relentless workhorses provide assistance between kitchen and service on as many as twelve levels or as little as two. They often come as a matching pair so that food service and used crockery can be kept separate at times.  Microlifts are Europe’s best selling service lifts and that’s no surprise when you consider their pedigree:

Range of 50kg and 100kg models

Counter level serving with rise and fall shutters

Travels up to 30m with as many as 12 stops

Heated lift car

Stock movement

Our Trolleylift floor-level loading service lifts are making light work of the movement of stock in catering locations across the UK. These lifts help businesses with customer service and protect their staff from unnecessary manual handling that could cause injury. Trolleylifts simply offer practical help with repetitive everyday tasks while maximising storage over all areas of your building. Trolleylift offers:

Range of 200kg, 300kg and 500kg models

Floor level serving – ideal for use with trolley or small cages

Travel up to 18m (12m for 500kg model)

Hinged doors with concertina gate optional

Essential house-keeping

Our Goodsmaster heavier-duty lifts will keep everything moving, day in, day out. Think laundry, cleaning equipment, furniture, kitchen and bar stock, food and drink – think Goodsmaster. Ideal for trolleys, cages, bins and barrels, these lifts are the ultimate workhorse for:

Loads from 500-2000kg (larger on request)

Single entrance or through-car

Travel up to 15m

Hinged or collapsible concertina gates

Model to carry attendant if required

Most of our service and goods lifts have fully automatic call and send facilities on each landing, can be supplied in their own supporting structure (which aids speed of installation) and will be maintained by local Stannah lift engineers.

Easy movement for your customers

Our passenger lifts and platform lifts provide easy access to all your facilities for all your customers. Our fully automatic passenger lifts will carry up to 33 people, keeping people moving in your building, day and night. Our platform lifts are designed for lighter use in areas such as mezzanine levels, stepped bar areas and to provide wheelchair access where needed.  We have a people-moving lift to suit your building and your budget.

Lift expertise on your doorstep

Our team in Scotland can supply and install new lifts, refurbish your existing lift stock and provide local 24/7, 365 days a year regular maintenance of your lifts to minimise running costs, meet all the lift equipment regulations and, most importantly, keep your customers and staff safe at all times.

Call 0141 266 0025 to find out how Stannah can help you.