Rum: Darker journey continues

CONSUMERS have continued journeying to the dark side of rum, which is reflected in the latest CGA statistics for the category.

While sales of white rum fell by nearly £1.6 million in the past year to £18.7m, sales of golden and dark rum increased by £6m to reach a total of £92m.

Therefore, it may not come as much of a surprise that Diageo-owned Captain Morgan not only commands the category – and recorded an increase in sales of 8.8% – but continues to represent the fourth-largest brand in the Scottish on-trade in value terms.

Rum brand behemoth, Bacardi, retained its number two position despite having slipped down the overall rankings by two spots to 24th place.

Elsewhere, William Grant & Sons has had a good year – with Sailor Jerry moving up to third place within the rum category and rising three spots on the overall brands list to 69th place, while OVD retained its number five spot in the category.

Havana, meanwhile, moved down to fourth in the category and fell eight places on the wider listing, now representing the 70th-biggest brand in the Scottish on-trade.

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Captain Morgan


Sailor Jerry


