PUBS and clubs across Scotland that show live sport should ensure they have the correct documentation in place.
TV Licensing has reminded operators they must have a valid licence or run the risk of a court prosecution and fine of up to £1000 per offence, plus costs. The body has also warned the trade a separate licence is needed if premises include living accommodation where a TV is used.
“It’s important that licensees remember to obtain all the licences they require if they want to provide entertainment or television programmes in their outlets,” added SLTA secretary Colin Wilkinson.
“This includes a standard TV Licence, even if they are showing programmes using a digital or cable service.
“It’s definitely a business benefit to be able to offer customers the chance to watch live, televised sporting events.”
For more information contact the TV Licensing businesses team on 0300 790 6131 or visit
Image – Pubs that show sport like the 6 Nations should be covered, says TVL.