RED Bull has launched a new on-trade incentive to reward bar staff for delivering the ‘perfect serve’ of the energy drink.
Mystery shoppers will visit 500 outlets across the UK in the first of three bursts of activity this year, and participating outlets include the Revolution and G1 groups as well as independents.
There will be hundreds of on the spot prizes, ranging from iTunes vouchers to iPads and ten £1000 rewards, for staff delivering the perfect serve: a full cold can of Red Bull opened but not poured.
Alex Minett, on-premise channel manager for Red Bull, said delivering the perfect serve is “fundamental to the ongoing success” of the energy drinks category in the on-trade.
“Bar staff are a massively important element to the success of any product in the on-premise,” said Alex. “They’re the frontline of service and the ones that interact with the consumer so we wanted to make sure they were rewarded for helping to grow the category through this initiative.”