Pubco coffee deal is full of beans

• Lessees are to be offered a range of Kimbo coffee beans as well as training and ongoing support.

STAR Pubs & Bars lessees are to gain access to a range of Kimbo coffee products thanks to a supply and support arrangement between the pub company and the Italian coffee firm.

As part of the agreement, the pubco’s lessees are to be offered a range of free on loan machines, training and ongoing support, and a range of Kimbo coffee beans and capsules.
They will also be provided with Kimbo branded merchandising material.
Chris Jowsey, trading director at Star Pubs & Bars, said the pubco is “always looking to improve the support we and our third party suppliers provide our lessees”.
“Coffee is an increasingly important revenue stream for pubs with excellent profit margins of 80-90%,” said Jowsey.
“We want all our pubs to offer real coffee. To gain a meaningful share of the coffee market pubs need to compete with a premium offer, necessitating good machines and great coffee at affordable prices.”
Kimbo UK managing director Angus McKenzie said the firm is “committed to funding a long term machine investment programme on behalf of Star Pubs & Bars lessees, thereby removing the barriers that in the past have prevented lessees from challenging the high street coffee chains”.